Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Week 21: #blessed

Oh yeah, by the way I've been out for over 4 months now. This was supposed to be a sparkler but it didn't light very well.

So the most amazing thing happened to us this week which is why I am e-mailing today, instead of yesterday. WE GOT TO GO TO THE TEMPLE. Literally, biggest blessing of my life. Honestly though, Heavenly Father has just been pouring out his blessings to us here in Abbotsford. How grateful I am for that because leaving my first area has been really hard. Surrey is just my home away from home, and I've grown so close to the members and my companion and all of our investigators there. 
Thang and Van took us out to dinner for some Vietnamese food Monday night before I left and in Thang's prayer over the food he said, 'Dear Heavenly Father, we are really unhappy that Sister Robertson is leaving and we hope that Sister Ricks will stay for a long time."


I've certainly never been a fan of goodbyes, but they seem to just keep getting harder and harder. On the bright side, Heavenly Father is just giving me more people to love.

​Looks like there are two Sister Robertson's in the field now, the more the merrier ;)

This last week has just been really weird for me, but Heavenly Father always pulls through. How grateful am I for his unconditional love and his personal relationship with each and everyone of his children. He is so mindful of our situations, and I have witnessed that countless time throughout the past week.

To start out, after e-mailing last week we come to find out that Sima wasn't baptized because of problems with Michael. Essentially, he's relapsed. So Sima rescheduled to be baptized for Thursday, and how sad Sister Ricks and I were to break the news to her that I was actually leaving Tuesday. I think my heart actually broke. Still as hard as it was to leave Sima, regardless of the baptism, all I felt when Tuesday morning rolled around was so much gratitude. Gratitude for my ward, for my district and zone, for my companion, and especially for all the people Heavenly Father had entrusted us to work with. I definitely have to give a huge shot out to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ for helping me feel so happy, because I know without them, things would have been way harder.

Well, like I said, Heavenly Father knows each and everyone of us. Seriously. And if you don't believe me, try Him. Here I am coming to a new area, and not only a new area but it has been closed for the last transfer (which means there were no missionaries working there) and prior to that the missionaries that were there were Elders (which is always interesting to come into an area after Elders. lets just say girls and boys think very differently.) Anyways, I was blessed to have a special missionary broadcast, a fireside with our mission president, and an opportunity to go to the Temple this last week. Like, seriously. I don't think I could have asked for anything better. Heavenly Father knew just what I needed. On top of that, how grateful am I for the promptings of the spirit and for answers to prayers. So like I said, Sister Nelson and I are opening an area, which means that literally we got to an empty apartment. No food, no toilet paper, nothing. So we go out grocery shopping and spend the little money we had left for the month on the necessities to survive. So all week long we've been kinda freaking out about how we were going to be eating this week because we are out of food and out of money for the month. Well last night, we felt prompted to go store contacting at Walmart and of course, while we are there, we run into a member. They talk to us for a little bit and then we go our separate ways. Next thing we know we see Sister Candia running around the corner with a shopping cart full of groceries. We tried to tell her and her husband no, but they wouldn't let us leave without them buying us groceries. They didn't know we didn't have any food, we didn't tell them. But sweet Sister Candia and her husband bought us $200 worth of groceries, and how grateful am I to have a loving Heavenly Father who answers our prayers, and who promises to take such good care of us.

I know that God is literally our Father in Heaven and that he loves us. I know that he knows each and everyone of us by name, and that he cares about us. He cares about the things that makes us happy, and he knows about the things that make us sad. He has so many blessings awaiting for us, and He is desperately waiting for us to ask Him. So ask Him.

I love all of you so much and am praying for you each and everyday. Thank you for all the support you have given me and all the other missionaries!

Love always,

Sister Robertson

Sima's Baptism :)

ps. Idk how I could forget this because GOD IS LITERALLY SO GOOD. My new area just happens to only be about 45 minutes away from my old area so President Burt gave me special permission to go back for Sima's baptism. God just keeps on blessing me.
The best girl you'll ever meet. Yes we have matching shirts. No we didn't buy them together.

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