Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Week 1: Hey, I'm alive. Also sorry this e-mail is so long.


Hey everyone! So I survived. I don't know if any of you were worried, but I certainly was. 

I just want to start off by saying how crazy this whole thing is. Crazy scary. And Crazy good. I'm not kidding. Every single day I am challenged and stretched far more than I ever thought possible. And still, every single day, I am filled with my Saviors love. I am beyond blessed. It's crazy to think that I have only been here for 6 days, it feels like months. Maybe even a year. I don't know what it is about the MTC, but everyone seems so familiar. I think that's one of Heavenly Fathers tender mercies. Although I am in a new scary place, I'm surrounded by thousands of my brothers and sisters. And so so many of them remind me of ya'll. I'm not kidding. I know that Heavenly Father is mindful of me, and I have no doubt that the people I have met so far were sent to help me feel close to home. 

So I'll start with my district. They are incredible. Never have I ever grown so close to so many people so fast. For those who don't know exactly what a district is, or what it means let me try my best to explain it. For those who already know what I am talking about, feel free to skip this paragraph. So we have companions, districts, zones, and then branches. My companion is Sister Cornia, yes like the eye. She is great. We are very different, but because of that, we make up for each others weaknesses. We are still working out some of the kinks as we teach, but things are starting to get better.  You are always with your companion, never separated except for the bathroom. But, its basically like being Siamese twins. The rule is "sight and sound". So wherever we are, unless it's at home, I always have to be able to see her and hear what she is saying. It's not so bad, just takes a little getting used to. But you all know I love being with someone like every second of the day, so really it's great for me. My poor companion...  So next is my district. your district consists of several sets of companions. It gives you a chance to get to know more people, and they are the missionaries I am always with. We study together. Alot. All you do in the MTC is study really. Well and teach lessons. It's really hard. And really great. We eat together, go to the gym together, study together, practice teaching together, goof off together (which I know earlier I said all we do is study. Which is true, but we also spend a lot of time goofing off). Heavenly Father still wants us to have fun. But I love my district. We have 6 Elders, and 4 Sisters.
Elder McNabb and Elder Kohl (They are our District leaders.) They pretend like they don't actually love us, but we know they still do.
Elder Baird and Elder Kane (They are our trouble missionaries.) Elder Baird is allergic to tree nuts, (s/o to Caroline, you're not the only one), and the poor thing has already had two allergic reactions and had to use 2 epi-pens each time. He's like crazy allergic to tree nuts. Like even breathing in air in areas where a lot of tree nuts have been used, eaten, etc. causes him to go into anaphylactic shock. ( yes I spelled that wrong, no I honestly don't have time to fix it.) Elder Kane got into a car accident 2 days before entering the MTC, and so he has some nasty stitches in twp pf his fingers.I'd send a picture, but my pictures aren't uploading :(
Elder Campbell and Elder Rimechiissel are our little computer nerds. I love them. They were a little quiet at first, but we've definitely pulled them out of their shells.
Sister Jarvies and Sister Richins are great. Sisters are scare in the MTC (even with the age drop) so having them in our district is the biggest blessing. When I say sisters here are scarce, I mean like in comparison to the amount of Elders. I have never seen so many boys in my entire life. We are out sung in every hymn, no question. But man are Elders the best. I have never had more boys open a door for me in my entire life. #blessed.

Anyways, so that my district, I don't really have enough time to even explain my love for all of them but I really couldn't do this without them.

Our Zone consists of two districts. So my district is 64-A (we call ourselves the A-team), and district 64- D is on our zone as well. They came in the same day as us and our going to either North Dakota or Ogden Utah. ( I forgot to mention my district is either Vancouver Canada, or North Dakoata). But this district is all boys. So they have 8 sets of Elders. We tend to share our Sister love with them, because everyone knows boys need some girls for some motivation and organization. Anyways, Districts 64-B and 64-C are the older districts (and by that I mean they have been here an entire week ahead of us.) They all leave tomorrow. And the 2 districts together make another zone. And our zone, plus their zone makes a branch. So together, we all have church on Sunday, and they are the zone that kind of showed us the ropes when we first got here. Now, my zone will be showing the ropes to 16 new Elders, and 8 new Sisters tomorrow. It's crazy how fast things move here. But I love it. 

Me and my companion have been called to be the Sister Training Leaders for our branch, which basically means we are responsible for all the girls in our zone, and in the new zone coming in tomorrow.I can't wait to get some more babies (:

So I'm sorry this e-mail is long, and that I have in no way talked about any of my experiences so far, but there really is not enough time. Just know that I am learning ATON. And that although these last couple of days have been a pretty up and down roller coaster, that I know what I am doing is right. And I have been incredibly blessed by my Heavenly Father to have this opportunity to serve. I feel like I'm a completely different person already, but still me at the same time. It's just crazy. And it's just great. 

Next week, hopefully my pictures will work so I can actually show you my district, and I'll make sure to save time to share my favorite experience from the week. So much happens in a day it's just hard to even remember. But I've taught 6 lessons already, not to mention the times we have practiced in class. It's just, great. I love this gospel. Anyways, I love and miss all of you so much, but time is flying by and I'll be back in no time!

Love always,

Sister Robertson

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