Thursday, September 17, 2015

Week 2: Everyday is Sunday, and Tuesdays are Christmas

Hey everyone!!!

First off, thank you thank you thank you for all the e-mails and support. You honestly have no idea what it means. (I know missionaries always say that, but I never truly understood the depth of what they meant until actually becoming a missionary.) I hope things are going well for everyone back home and I love and miss you all.

I love my district

Sista Sistas <3 And then Sister Menlove (our Branch Presidents wife) 

Us in a nutshell. Sister Richins, Sister Jarvies, Me, Sister Cornia

Zone Sisters ( My new little babies)

This is my actual district, the Elders were not amused with how many pictures we wanted to take.

Now they want pictures! :)

Found me some Stacy Johnson (: Yay for college friends!

My eyes are closed but I still love Sister Richins (:

I never know where to even start in these e-mails. I have learned SO much, and honestly the days just mix together. There is a saying here in the MTC that the days are long and the weeks go by fast. I can testify to ya'll that that's true. 

As far as my Subject goes, my district and I decided that basically every day feels like a Sunday because we study so much and focus on the gospel and learn how to help and teach and serve others, but P-days are our one days where we don't follow an exact schedule and we get to kind of just chill and go with the flow. And we get to talk to our family and friends (: Which really is the BEST gift I could ever ask for. So P-days (or our Tuesdays) are like Christmas.

So I've learned a lot already so far, I didn't even know it was possible to grow this much in such a  short amount of time. Yall would be shocked. There isn't really time for anxiety or discomfort in the MTC, things are going too fast, and as missionaries we have a responsibility to fulfill our callings. But I want to talk about some things that I've learned. (For all my babies going into the MTC in the next couple of weeks, this section will have some stuff just for you.)

1) BE BRAVE. I have a hard time with that, I always have. Especially in the MTC when it comes to teaching investigators, and even each other (we do a lot of role playing for practice), you really just have to be brave. I like to follow plans and I have always struggled with relying on the spirit, but the thing is, in missionary work that's all you've got. Because you aren't the teacher here, the spirit is. So you just have to 1, trust that Heavenly Father will help you understand the needs of your investigators and that he'll put words into your mouth when you do not know what to say. That's when being brave comes in. You have to trust that Heavenly Father will give you the answers you need, because he always always will, and then you have to be brave and open your mouth and pray that something comes out. It's been a challenge. I like knowing what I am going to say before I say it, but that's not really how the Holy Ghost works.

2) The first person you convert should be YOURSELF. It's crazy how much you come to know your Savior as you help your investigators, companions, etc. come unto Christ. And that's a good thing. In fact, it's essential. Because you definitely can't help bring others unto Christ if you aren't there yourself. You can't help convert anyone farther than you have been converted yourself. So pray like crazy. I mean every minute of every day. Pour out your hear t to your Heavenly Father, he is begging you to know him. Study your scriptures, because every single time you do, you receive different revelation. And just love this gospel. It is so so so sweet, and I wouldn't be anywhere today without it.

3) You are ALWAYS enough. I'm not going to lie. The MTC has been challenging, as it should be. After all, there isn't much comfort in growth. It involves a lot of stretching. But just know that it is okay. It is okay that things are hard. Whether you are in the MTC or not, life is just hard. It's okay that you can't do it all on our own. In fact, that's normal. We are called to be the best we can be, and then Heavenly Father makes up that difference. So stop worrying about it. You are enough. As long as you are being obedient, and trying your best every single day to be a little bit better, He will ALWAYS make up the difference. 

4) When things do get hard, SERVE. Nothing brings more happiness than truly loving those around you and finding ways to serve them. Kendall taught me that, and my teachers at the MTC have testified of the same thing, and now I'm telling you, whether you are a missionary or not service truly is the cure for everything. 

Alright mission babies, these ones are more for yall:
1) LOVE YOUR DISTRICT.... and also your zone. They are your family here, so love them for all that they are worth. the first day is always a little awkward, and you may not bond at first, but I promise it will come. Sit with each other at every meal, it really helps get friendships going. Actually study together, it's amazing what you can learn from another. Heavenly Father does not do random (s/o to King Abner). Heavenly Father put those Elders and Sisters in your life for a reason, so learn from one another, grow together, but also remember to have a little fun. This is the plan of happiness after all, Heavenly Father wants you to have some fun. So don't feel like you have to throw that all away just because you are a missionary. He NEEDS your personalities. But he needs the best version of yourself, so let yourself grow. 

2) Don't drink the orange juice. 

3) Be passionate about this gospel. Love it, and your investigators will too.

4) Don't be too hard on yourself. The easiest way to feel miserable is to get discouraged after teaching lessons. Our responsibility as missionaries is to help bring others unto Christ. That's it. Ultimately we want them to be baptized and we are still directed to invite them to that commitment. But as long as you are obedient, and doing your best, that's all you can do. Like us, our investigators have free agency too. And they can choose to accept or deny the messages you share with them. The gospel is full of simple truths. You don't need to be a master scriptorian, or the best prayer giver ever. You just need to have faith, and love. Share the gospel with passion, and testify of the blessing it brings. Because those blessings are very real. And if your investigators still deny it, be heartbroken for them. because it is heart braking. So so heart breaking, but Heavenly Father takes care of all of his children. So don't beat yourself up if you don't help convert all of your investigators, as long as you are being obedient you are a successful missionary. 

5) I've talked about obedience a lot. And this is how I'm going to leave it:
Obedience brings blessings, but EXACT obedience brings miracles. I need those miracles. YOU need those miracles, we all need miracles. So be exactly obedient, because I promise it works. 

6) On Sunday night after the fireside, watch "The Character of Christ" by Elder Bednar. You won't regret it.

7) Sing in the choir for devotionals. It is incredible. Even if you can't sing just do it. 

8) THE SPIRIT HERE IS AMAZING. The MTC is hard, and it's an emotional roller coaster for sure, but I have never felt more happiness. 

Love always,

Sister Robertson

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