Monday, September 21, 2015

Week 3: Canada is so weird/Miracles

First off, when people told me it was culturally diverse up here man oh man were they right. My ward consists of Filipinos, Asians, Canadians, and East Indians.Its crazy. But my ward here is incredible. They are so missionary minded and so excited to have Sister Missionaries. But I'm getting a little ahead of myself. 

First some fun facts about Canada:
1) the spiket on the drinking fountain is on the left side instead of the right. I know that that is totally random and seemingly irrelevant, but they are actually incredibly hard to drink out of. 
2) Everything is in k's here instead of Miles.
3) They put the Canadian flag on everything. Like even the big McDonalds sign has a Canadian Maple Leaf, as if to remind us like Hey you are in Canada, not America.... you know in case we forgot. 
4) They still celebrate the 4th of July and thanksgiving... they just call it something different. And they make sure to celebrate it before we do in America. The days here are July 1st, and October 12th or something like that. 

But still, Canada is way cool. It's freezing, and rains every second. But other than that it's great.

My Mission president and his wife are just incredible!!!! They remind me a lot of Bishop and Sister Peel back home (: So thankful for them. President Burt is just incredible, and I know that without him I wouldn't be able to do this mission. He is just so so awesome. Man oh man, mission presidents are definitely called of God. My new Companion is Sister Wright (momma her dad is from Idaho so we really could be related). She is from Utah ( as most missionaries here seem to be). SHE IS AWESOME. So so loving and has helped me adjust a lot to this new mission life. Don't get me wrong, the MTC was great, but nothing like this.

We are assigned to Surrey, Canada (3rd Ward). We live in our Bishops basement (everyone has a basement apartment here). The ward is AMAZING. We are white-washing the area. Which basically means that we start from scratch. Generally you go to an area that your companion has just been in, that way you know the area, the members, and already have some good progressing investigators. But President has done a lot of white-washing this last transfer to get things going in Canada so a lot of my group is in the same boat. Our ward hasn't had any sisters there in a while, so they are so so good to us. And glad to have some sister back. They really are so great, and until now I have never realized just how important it is for members to be missionary minded and to support and love and feed their missionaries. So challenge for all of you back home:

Take care of your sweet missionaries serving in your ward. They need it. promise. And give them a lot of referrals. Brothers and Sisters, its our responsibility as both missionaries and members to bring other unto Christ. We are his hands here on earth, and if we really love him, we will feed his sheep. There is a great talk by Elder Holland on that. 

This week i have learned a lot about humility. i wouldn't say that I'm generally a prideful person, not in the sense that I think that I'm better than anybody, but sometimes I have a lot of trouble trusting Heavenly Father and admitting myself to his will. And that's prideful. "He is the Gardner here, and he knows what he intends us to be." So just let go, and let him. Let him mold you into the person he needs you to be, and then allow him to work through you to bring others unto Christ.

This week was hard, just adjusting to the new life style, but I am so blessed. Blessed to be in the mission. Blessed with an amazing companion. Blessed to have the strengthening and enabling power of the atonement, and to be forgiven of my imperfections. Blessed to have such a supportive and loving ward. When things get hard, whether in life, or for those on/going on a mission, just find one reason to keep going. One thing to be grateful for, and i promise you'll be able to get through it. I love you all so so so much, and wish you the very best.

Love always,

Sister Robertson

Somehow in the mad dash to send out e-mails I forgot to share our sweet miracle. 

Yesterday, while knocking doors, we met Destiny. Not only did she listen to us on the doorstep but she invited us in. (She's the first to let us in). Me and Sister Wright taught her and her four kids about the restoration of the gospel, and how the gospel of Jesus Christ blesses families. It was amazing. We bore our testimonies of the Book of Mormon, and she accepted one, committed to read the first chapter, and scheduled an appointment with us for this Tuesday. Her and her family are amazing, and her desire to grow even closer to Christ is a blessing. We love her. Unfortunately, her family is actually from Nigeria, and they are leaving next week to go back home. But we promised to set her up with some of the missionaries over there.

Aside from Destiny, we have had the opportunity to teach some recent converts and less-active families. They are all incredible too. the spirit is amazing, and I can't wait to continue to share the gospel with others.

Love always,

Sister Robertson

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