Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Week 25: I love Jesus Christ.


Sorry I haven't really written much in a while. To be honest, I just really didn't know what to say. Things have been a little bit rough lately. Change has always been hard for me, and even though Abbotsford and the people here are so amazing, I still miss Surrey everyday. It's crazy how much love you can develop for such a trashy, sketchy city. Needless to say there have been a lot of other things going on that have just added to that, and transfer news comes this weekend, and I already know that I will be loosing sweet Sister Nelson. The amazing thing still, throughout all of this jank the past couple of weeks, is that somehow I'm still going, and still happy- well usually. There's some occasional crying, but I've always been a big crier so that's not new lol.

I know that much of that is attributed to my knowledge of Heavenly Father's plan for us, The Plan of Salvation. His perfect plan that allows us to experience challenges and trials to shape us into the people He needs us to be. Of course none of us are perfect, and we often fall short on a lot of things. We mess up, we lose our patience, we don't love deeply enough, we loose hope, we loose sight of what's really important, the list could go on and on. But Heavenly Father, in His perfect Wisdom, gave us a Savior, Jesus Christ, to help us overcome and endure all of those things. 

We had the opportunity a couple of weeks ago ( I can't remember if I already told ya'll this or not) to watch a special missionary broadcast that was shown throughout the entire world. In part of this boradcast, one of the general authorities spoke of Jesus Christ and how we should always remember who it is that we are representing and strive to have His name on our lips, always. Since then, Sister Nelson and I have been making a constant effort to testify of the Savior and his divinity. Not only to those we meet on the streets or at doors, but to our members as well. It's amazing the spirit that we feel as we talk about Christ and the things that He has done for every single one of us. 

Jesus Christ is my Savior. I know that He truly did die for each and everyone of us, and not only that, but that he truly bore every single pain and sorrow that we have experienced, and will e v e r experience in our entire lives. He is the light and the only way back to our Heavenly Father. This life is full of a lot of different trying times, and sometimes I just want to give up and I just think, I can't do this anymore. I think we all feel that way sometimes. But I can testify that everything that is unfair in this life can and is made right through the atonement of Jesus Christ. I have literally felt him carry me when I didn't feel strong enough to carry myself, and I know that if we c h o o s e to let Him in, then He can do the same for each and everyone of us. Because of Him, I know that I can truly become the person my Heavenly Father needs me to be, even when I can no longer see that girl anymore. Because of Him, I know that no matter what happens in this life, that I will be able to be with my Family forever again one day. Because of Him I am on a mission, and doing things that I never thought were possible. Because of Him, I am stronger and better. I love my Savior, Jesus Christ, I know that He lives and that He loves us. I bear you my witness that He is the son of God, and the only way to true and lasting happiness in this life.

Yes, things have been a little bit hard recently, but God is always so good, and through Jesus Christ, you can do anything. There is nothing greater than serving a mission (well maybe besides being a mother/father). But with Sister Nelson coming to the end of her mission this next week, I've been thinking a lot about these last almost 6 months now that I have been serving. Time is certainly flying by. I am so thankful for all yall's love and support, and for the wonderful people here in Abbotsford. Despite the adversity, we have experienced so many miracles here. I am so grateful for this gospel and for the opportunity I have to share it with others. 

Love always,
Sister Robertson

​One of our members here casually has a horse :)

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