Monday, February 29, 2016

Week 26: Transfer Week

This past week was Transfer week.
Goodbye Sister Nelson

 Transfer week is always a little bit weird, but it was even weirder this week because I already knew I would be getting a new companion. I will be staying in Abbotsford and follow-up training Sister Amat.

For those who don't know, when missionaries first come out to the field they are referred to as "greenies" (don't ask me why) and they go through 12 weeks of training (which is two transfers). During that time you have one hour set aside each day for special "training" studies, but mostly you are just being mentored and taught how to be a missionary essentially. 

So sweet Sister Amat is from Malaysia, and has been out on her mission for one transfer ( 6 weeks). So I will killing off one missionary, and birthing another. Weird. 

Anyways, Abbotsford is good as always. The rain even lightened up for a couple of days this last week so we had some sun, yay!

Also, a little boy we were teaching got baptized last Sunday. Him and his family are active members of the church, they just wanted Kristian to receive the missionary discussions to give him the opportunity to really choose to be baptized for himself. He is the cutest little thing and it was a great opportunity to teach the gospel in literally it's simplest form. He was so happy to be baptized and now his sister can not wait until she is 8 either!
Kristians baptism ❤

Jesus is the Riesen 

That's about it for this week in Abbotsford. We are working with a couple of different people, but it mostly is very in and out right now.

In other news, Sister Ricks sent me an update of our sweet babies in Surrey. Faith and Will, Thang and Van, and Michael and Sima are doing so good, so I'll add her e-mail in here for those who want to read it. God truly does change us when we let Him. And I am so thankful to be able to be a tool in His hands in helping people to know Him and feel of His love. 

Happy 18 months Sister Nelson!
This week was hands down the best of my mission. Michael had some intense things happen to him and had a slap in the face. He saw what his addictions were doing to his wife and his son and has been living the Word of Wisdom for two weeks! He is scheduled to be baptized March 12! Wow. Yesterday we had a lesson with him and he had read 5 chapters in a day! He wants to read to Enos by our next visit (He was midway through 1 Nephi and we are seeing him again on Tuesday). He went out with the Elders to translate into Hindi for their Indian investigator. Michael did really well and bore a strong testimony to him about the blessings of the Word of Wisdom. Sima is so happy. She radiates light. This is the happiest she has ever been and she smiles at him when he answers our questions in lessons. His uncle is going through marriage problems and Michael talked to him about the gospel and now he wants to get the lessons as well. We taught Thang and Van again!!! I love them SO MUCH!! We taught them the Law of Chastity and it went so so well! They loved it! They are so faithful to each other and are about to have their first baby in 4 weeks. They loved it and asked what chapters in the Book of Mormon talk about the law of chastity so they can study it more. We gave them a copy in Vietnamese! They were SO EXCITED!!! Last night we taught Faith. The lesson was amazing. We were so happy afterwards the we called President Burt on the phone and told him about it. Faith is amazing. We have been working with her for 2 months now and she is the most prepared person I have ever met. She was scared to be baptized on her previous baptismal date. Since then, we have showed her how to build her faith. We showed her how to study and find answers in the scriptures. As she diligently read, she felt the spirit so strong. We read read 2 Nephi chapter 31 last night. Her husband bore testimony of the Holy Ghost and how it has aided him in his life. The spirit was so strong as he shared his experiences. The spirit prompted us what to say and faith ended up bearing her testimony. She told us how the spirit has filled her since she has read the Book of Mormon. By the spirit, we invited her to be baptized on March 13th and she said she would try her best to be prepared. It was the best lesson of my mission. It was so good because we were listening to faith. We love her so much and we were trying hard to listen to the spirit. It was such an amazing experience. She is truly a kingdom builder and so much of the Lord's work will be accomplished through faith and her family. She has started encouraging her 3 year old daughter a mission. She and Will are considering serving a mission when the are older. 

Love always,
Sister Robertson

Also, I didn't get a chance to finish sending out pictures from last week so here it goes:
and they had goats!!! ;)
​the Bambas. Yay for Filipino members <3

Also, I didn't get a chance to finish sending out pictures from last week so here it goes:
​I love my sweet Sister Nelson
Exchanges <3 The best thing about having our Sister Training Leaders being in a tri, is that we often times get the extra sister for the day!
​Sister Gamble, Sister Wright, Sister Nelson, Me, Sister Madsen

​We all had lunch together to say Goodbye as the Transfer is ending, and Sister Nelson is ending her mission.
​Sister Neslon, Me, Sister Gamble (Sister Nelson's last companion who is now with Sister Wright), Sister Wright (my trainer, who is now my Sister Training Leader), and Sister Madsen (my other Sister Training Leader) was at the doctors. 

After the rain comes the Rainbow :)
P-Day Shenanigans 


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