Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Week 27: Families Can Be Together Forever

Well, I had to say good bye to sweet Sister Nelson this week. I got to go with to drop her off at the temple, and ran into Sister Rachel Travers (who also was going home) and my very first STL, Sister Ritchie. It was such a tender mercy to get to see so many sisters that I love so much before they headed home. Then we went to pick up my new companion, Sister Amat Sokupit. She is literally the cutest thing of my life. She is such a great missionary, and I feel like I'm not training at all. She is the biggest blessing. 
Mama Hen, Baby Chicken

​Sister Amat let me wear her traditional malaysian night gown. Who sleeps in such a cute dress?

There isn't anything too new to report on, the ward in Abbotsford is incredible, we're still getting to know the area since I just opened it last transfer, and we've had to former basically the only investigators we've been working with, so we are just out tryin to find people to teach.

We have been working with Veronica though, she is amazing. She has investigated the church for over 2 years now, and essentially lives the gospel in every way, she just can't get baptized because her husband won't let her, so send up some prayers her way. It is exciting though because she hasn't talked to her husband about baptism in a while, due to his last break down, but she's been feeling like it's time to try again. So here is to hoping he'll let her. 

Another quick miracle for this week, although we had to former a lot of our investigators, we did teach this super cute Momma. She absolutley adores family, and nothing in the world means more to her than kids. We taught her the Plan of Salvation, and although she was a little reluctant about some of the things at first, by the end of the lesson she just felt like everything made so much sense! She knows that God is real and that He loves us, and all He wants is for us to be happy now, and in eternity. 

I am so grateful for the Plan of Salvation, and for a loving Heavenly Father who simply wants all of his children back, and will do anything He can to help us along our way. 

I hope everyone is enojoying things back home, I hear its Spring Break soon? Lol what's that.

Love always,
Sister Robertson

​We did some service this week for Sister Sheila Gasper. She lives on the most beautiful farm, and it's a nice change of scenery from the city. Also service is always fun bc pants. 

​This is Veronica (: She didn't want a standing picture because she said I was too tall.... LOL
​Sister Cowie <3

​"No visits if you are a Jehovah Witness" Perfect ;)

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