Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Week 30: Happier than a glass of milk and babies...

Also, I know it`s almost a month past this now but I`ve been out for 6 months!

This past week was full of miracles. It was finally sunny WHICH IS A BLESSING AND A HALF so Hallelujah... although sun does not equal warmth so I was still wearing 1-2 pairs of tights, but such is mission life.

When the flowers are as big as your head....

The first miracle is that I finished the Book of Mormon. Man does that book make me happier than a glass of milk and babies....which is practically impossible. Needless to say, I love the Book of Mormon. 

Nothing has brought me more peace and happiness, despite the circumstances of my day, than by reading this book. There are countless testimonies of the Book of Mormon and its divinity, one of which I`ll include a link too just because it`s my personal favorite, 

but I just wanted to leave each of you with my personal testimony of the Book of Mormon. I don`t have enough time to truly share my experience of reading the Book of Mormon, but I do want you to know that God truly does love us, and he has given us so many things in this life to help us to grow closer to him, and His son, Jesus Christ. The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. It teaches and testifies of His divinity and mission, and I have grown closer to my Savior because of it. The promise left by Moroni is real.

Behold, would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God  that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto  the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall  receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.
And when ye shall receive these things, would exhort you that ye would ask God, the  Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not trueand if ye shall ask with a  sincere heartwith real intenthaving faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto  you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.
I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, because I have prayed about it and I have felt the change it has brought about in my life. The Spirit has witnessed to me of its truthfulness, and I have learned, through experience, the blessings that come from `feasting upon the words of Christ`. I know that the stories within it aren`t just stories, but that they are full of real people and their experiences with God, and that if we are truly seeking, that Heavenly Father will help us to learn how we can apply their experiences into our own lives.

Our other miracles this week revolve around the Book of Mormon as well. We are blessed to be working with several new investigators. I`ve run out of time this week for e-mailing so I will have to share their experiences with ya`ll next week.

Love always,
Sister Robertson

This is my sweet baby girl leaving for her exchange with Sister Lai ( who is actually my Sister in the mission because she was trained by Sister Wright as well. So Sister Amat Sokupit was just hanging around the town with her Aunt for the day.)
We had exchanges last week. This is Sister Madson  I am so grateful for Sister Missionaries.

This is the Well`s family. They are some of the less actives we have been working with. I love them literally so much. Sister Mecham (Bianca Well`s momma) was my last Relief Society President in Surrey and she came up for our lesson last week! 

Also, fun side story about Sister Amat. We were talking to President Burt the other day and Sister Amat asked him if she still needed to do 12-week (which is a program that we do with all our trainies to help them adjust into the mission.) He told her no. And so then I was like uh.... wait, what. What do you mean you don`t have to do your training. And she just looked at me and said.... uh... I have a secret. So turns out, Sister Amat served for 3 months in Singapore before coming to Canada while waiting for her VISA. So I`m actually her 4th trainer now. She never told anyone other than President, because there is still a HUGE culture shock and difference coming to Canada and every mission is so different and so she knew she would need to still learn new things. No wonder it`s been a piece of cake to train her! She`s already been a missionary for 5 months lol. 

On Saturdays we walk. Everywhere.

Here`s a super awk Easter Selfie for your enjoyment. 

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