Monday, March 21, 2016

Week 29: Patience is related to hope and faith- you must wait for the Lord's promised blessings to be fulfilled

Things have been really good. Oddly enough, even though I am follow-up training, I finally feel like I have my feet on the ground again. These last couple of weeks have been so good and I love being with sweet Sister Amat. Sometimes the language barrier can be a little challenging, but most often it doesn't get in the way. I'm a pretty fast pace person, so I think it has helped me to slow down a little bit as I wait for Sister Amat to formulate her thoughts. I sure love her though, she has taught me so much. 

​Forever a mom. Don't ask me what this little one is doing or why she has an Indian sticker on her forehead.

I'm just super grateful for Heavenly Father and his perfect plan for each of us. This last week in our District Meeting we talked a lot about Patience. It wasn't until then that I truly realized, and the spirit bore testimony, of just how far I've come. Change is always hard, and although the mission is literally the best thing of my life, it certainly isn't a walk in the park. But over these past 6 months I have truly learned to be patient. i have learned to be patient with myself mostly, and learned to be patient with my Heavenly Father and His perfect timing.

In Preach My Gospel, it talks a lot about Christlike attributes, as the Savior, is truly our perfect example. There is a section about Patience that says,

Patience is the capacity to endure delay, trouble, opposition, or suffering without becoming angry, frustrated, or anxious. It is the ability to do God's will and accept His timing. When you are patient, you hold up under pressure and are able to face adversity calmly and hopefully. Patience is related to hope and faith- you must wait for the Lord's promised blessings to be fulfilled. 

I'll be the first to say that I am definitely not perfect at being patient, but I do know that it is something that my mission thus far has really taught me. What a great blessing that when we are patient we are able to hold up under pressure, and we are able to face adversity calmly and hopefully. That is truly the difference. Every single one of us faces our own challenges and trials, but as I have learned to be patient, and to exercise my faith in God and His plan, I have been able to feel joy despite my circumstances, and I have been able to have hope in the knowledge that Heavenly Father truly does fulfill every promise He gives to us. And He certainly has.

Unfortunately, I don't have enough time this week to truly talk about or explain the magnitude of the promised blessings of Heavenly Father that have been fulfilled for me recently, but I do want to bare testimony that they've happened. Heavenly Father loves us so much and his greatest desire for all of us is to be able to receive all of the blessings that He has in store. Be patient, and I can promise you that the Lord will not let you down. 

I sure love ya'll a lot and I pray that each of you will enjoy this Easter Sunday and take the time to truly internalize the reason we celebrate it. I know that it is because of the atonement of Jesus Christ that I am able to overcome all of my weaknesses, that He is the reason  that I have learned to be patient, and that He has given me the strength and support to do so. How grateful I am for his sacrifice for me and for each of us, and for his resurrection so that we each have the opportunity to live again.

The video below is a great way to think about our Savior during this Easter Season, and I would invite each of you to watch it. 

Love always,
Sister Robertson

Apparently we didn't take many pictures this week, sorry.

But in other news, my sweet investigators, Thang and Van, who I taught in Surrey just had their sweet little girl. My heart is so full. I can not wait until they get to be sealed in the Temple as a family for time and all eternity one day. ❤

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