Monday, July 18, 2016

Week 45: Being a missionary is one of the greatest callings in the world

This past week has been wonderful. Being a missionary is one of the greatest callings in the world. We have just met so many wonderful people this past week and I know that God is very aware of his children. 

We got transfer calls on Saturday and Sister Seiter and I will be staying! We are so excited to continue working with our wonderful friends!

Mark and Brianna are absolutely wonderful, and I just want to be with them forever. Brianna has been at her mom's this past week so we just met with Mark on his own. He didn't grow up with much of a religious background at all, and as we have continued to meet with him and his daughter he has just realized how much he maybe does want this. He said it's a lot easier just being atheist and not believing at all, or being christian and believing, because if you are just somewhere in the middle then your left lost, not knowing anything. I had never really thought about it that way. I am continually grateful for the knowledge that I have of my Heavenly Father and my Savior, Jesus Christ. 

This past week we had a Zone Meeting that was absolutely amazing. I am just so grateful to be serving along side our Savior, and to be entrusted to do some of His work. I know that he has truly set the example, and as we learn to follow his example that we will be able to experience pure joy. 

I love you all and will send you more updates next week, and hopefully some more pictures with some of my favorite people! 

Dinner with Sister Richardson (:

Happy 4th!

It was Helen's birthday this past week so we went out to celebrate! Her and Sister Macindoe are like our mommas here in Coquitlam. They came to the church 2 years ago and are now preparing to go to the temple. They come out with us to lessons throughout the week and just teach us so much! I love them. 

I didn't have enough time to send these pictures last week, but we may or may not have had some electrical difficulties and had to move some things around. 

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