Monday, July 18, 2016

Week 46: The Plan of Happiness

Fam Jam,

This week was wonderful. I am so grateful to be able to stay here in Coquitlam and to be able to serve along side Sister Seiter. I love her.  We may not be teaching a lot right now, and have been former-ed several times this past week (that's when an investigator decides they don't want to meet anymore), but we've been able to see a lot of progress throughout our time here, and God continues to bless us.

As for Mark and Brianna, they are doing so good! THEY ARE A M A Z I N G. Monday night we followed up on their prayers and reading. Brianna said that she feels happy after she prays, and that she has been practicing. Which is amazing on its own, but to top it off, she had been at her mom's house the previous week, so that means she was remembering to pray all on her own. WOWZA. We asked Mark the same thing, and he said that he is starting to feel more open, and he feels different after he prays. (: I know God is listening to them, and that He loves his children.

Then, right before we started teaching the POS, Brianna also said, "I almost have that Joseph Smith thing memorized I've been reading it so much." She was talking about the 1st vision. It's amazing how the spirit works. No matter who you are- age, education, race, etc.- all of us can receive a witness from the spirit. Brianna has truly proven that's true. As we continue to teach her she opens up more and more and has the best, most sincere questions, and is so easy to trust and believe. It's no wonder Jesus Christ taught us so many times in the scriptures to be like children. She has taught me so much, and has reminded me of my gratitude for Heavenly Father's Perfect Plan of Happiness. A plan in which each of us has the opportunity to come to earth, gain a body, gain experiences, and to grow to become more like our Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

This plan isn't simply individual, "all human beings- male and female -are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. " I know that the Plan of Salvation is God's plan for us and our families. He has created it to enable us to grow and to experience joy, to reach our potentials, and his greatest desire is for us to be able to return home, to live with him again some day. That is our divine destiny. 

As we were teaching, Brianna's face lit up and she turned to her dad and said, "I get another life with you."

How grateful I am for this knowledge. That because of Jesus Christ, no matter what happens in this life, everything will work out for our best good, and that one day, we will all be able to live with our families again. 

Jesus Christ is the son of God, the Savior and Redeemer of the world. I love Him and am forever grateful to be serving as His hands in the Canada, Vancouver mission. 

I love you all, and am praying for you! I hope everyone is enjoying their summers and is not getting to roasted in the sun! 

Love always,
Sister Robertson 

First, I'll just go ahead and apologize for still not having a picture with Mark and Brianna. We did actually take one, Mark just still hasn't sent it to us yet.... so stay tuned. But Pictures for this week is as follows:
There is this super great park called Rocky Point Park that is alongside a lake and is just to die for. We had lunch at Pajo's, which is apparently a really big thing here and where everything you eat is in a cone through the table so it was fun. 

Sunday with Helen (:

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