Thursday, August 18, 2016

Week 50: This week was so good!

This week was so good! We weren't able to meet with a lot of our investigators because they were out of town/ had family in town, but that is pretty much the struggle of missionary work during the summer! Things have still been wonderful though. 

The weather is absolutely gorgeous and we have been able to talk to so many great people! Mark has also texted us several times through out the week keeping us updated on his prayers and scripture reading! Our investigator Clint almost came to church on Sunday, but got really nervous, and after sitting out in the parking lot for 30 minutes trying to decide, ended up going home. He was so sad, but texted us afterwards and said he's not giving up! So, here's to next week! Also, I'm singing in church so I'm sure that'll add some extra motivation to come lol. 

On a side note, Sima is still doing so good in Surrey. Her husband Michael is currently being taught by the Elders, and is clean again. YAY. He has a baptismal date for August 28

As a mission we are also starting to read the Book of Mormon together from the very beginning and will be finished by Christmas. I'll attach the reading schedule for any who want to join (: Essentially it's 4 pages a day!

Reading the Book of Mormon has been one of the best parts of my mission, and I know that President Gordon B. Hinkley's promise he gave to us several years ago, still rings true today.

"Without reservation I promise you that if you will prayerfully read the Book of Mormon, regardless of how many times you previously have read it, there will come into your hearts the spirit of the Lord. There will come a strengthened resolution to walk in obedience to the commandments, and there with come a stronger testimony of the living reality of the Son of God." 

Love always,
Sister Robertson 

Pictures for this week:
1) Helen's lights didn't work so we improvised. Reading Scriptures in the dark (:

2) We met a woman, not only from Japan this last week, but from Kobe ;) 
s/o to my sister Amanda

3) random bridge

4) Our STL's Sister Chandler and Paxton. THEY ARE ADORABLE

5) Exchanges with Sister Paxton

6) The Burnaby Zone

7) BOM reading schedule... I'll send a better one next week!

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