Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Week 51: God loves us with all His heart, might, mind, and strength

 Lol. This basically sums up Canada 


So we did get transfer news....

Sister Seiter is staying here in Port Moody, and training a new baby. Looks like I am a Grandma x's 2 now! I love it. I am heading to Richmond, which is essentially the biggest pocket of Chinese people ever, so looks like I'll be picking up some Chinese lol. My new companion is Sister Gartside (sp?), who actually came out from the MTC with Sister Seiter.

This past week has been wonderful. We haven't been able to meet with quite a few of our investigators for a while now, but it's amazing to see how God is still working in everyone's lives. He is so aware of our individual needs and circumstances, and I can promise you, that if you don't think He is aware of you, or listening to you, or real at all, that He is. 

Monday night we were able to teach Mark and Brianna in a members home. It was wonderful. Brianna was so excited to tell us her recent experience with prayer. She said that she saw the picture in the pamphlet of the little girl kneeling down by her bed praying, and so she decided to do that too. She has been struggling at the kids camp that she goes to, and prayed for help to have fun and to be happy. 

Brianna: " God answered my prayer. The next day I had a good day."
Sister Seiter: "Do you know why God answered your prayer?"
Brianna: " Because He loves us."

It was so simple, but so profound. I know God loves us so much, and because He loves us, He cares about every single aspect of our lives, no matter how big or how small.

Mark also accepted our invitation to be baptized September 24. When we invited him he said without hesitation, "Yeah. let me check my Calendar!" He was like, "it's this next week right?" LOL. He had thought we said August instead of September but he was apparently ready to go! It was so great! Then later this week we were following up with him about his praying and he said, 
"I had a strong feeling in my chest, it was a weird feeling." I am so full of gratitude to see God answering Mark and Brianna's prayers. I really love them so much, and it will be hard to leave, but I know that God sent us to them for a reason. And I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ is exactly what Mark has been waiting for, for him and his family.

Yesterday, while out finding, we met this wonderful Asian woman named Lucy. She said she was already christian and had a lot going on right now and wasn't too interested in talking. Sister Seiter asked if she could just share a scripture about Jesus Christ before leaving and Lucy accepted. 

"He doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he loveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men unto him. Wherefore, he commandeth none that they shall not partake of his salvation." 2 Nephi 26:24

Immediately Lucy opened up and started talking about her love for Jesus Christ, and how she came to know him and how grateful she was for her mom who taught her about Jesus Christ. We showed her a picture of the Langley Temple and told her that God and Jesus Christ love us so much. That's why we came to earth and have been blessed with families, in which we are able to learn and grow together. Families are ordained of God, and God's greatest desire is for each of us to experience joy, and to be able to return to live with Him and our families again some day. We told her that through Jesus Christ and the power of God, that her and her family could be sealed in the temple, for time and all eternity- that even after this life, they would really be able to live together forever. Lucy looked down and started crying. After a couple of minutes she looked up and said, "That is good news." Tears rolled down her cheeks as she fidgeted with her keys, and I noticed a cancer ribbon key chain in her hand. The spirit was so strong, and I could feel God's love for her. I know that God sent us there for a reason. I know that He knows us so personally and he is begging profusely to help us, if we will only let him. 

I have met so many people on my mission. I have seen and experienced so many of God's miracles, and have felt so much of His love for each of us. I have also watched so many turn away from the hope of God's light. I know that God will never desert us. His arms are always outstretched, if we will just choose to come home. That is why He sent us His son Jesus Christ, to set the example and to provide the way. 

These are two of my absolute favorite talks from April's General Conference, I echo President Uchtdorf and Elder Hollands testimony. I love you all and am praying for each of you!

Love always,
Sister Robertson 

1-5) We spent P-day at Horseshoe Bay. The wind wasn't great for pictures but it was absolutely gorgeous!

 Our District these past two transfers

 The Coquitlam Elders, us, and our Ward Mission Leader, Brother Keeler

 Sister Leighton and Connor


 Sister Leighton <3

 Blitz with the STL's this week <3

 Dinner with our two faves, Helen and Sister Macindoe

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