Saturday, October 8, 2016

Week 57: I will be abitious for Christ

Ni hao wo de jia ting,

Basically that means, hello my family in Chinese. Don't get too impressed, I haven't learned to become fluent and I just had one of the Chinese-speaking missionaries type that up for me. My Chinese is poor at best. Essentially, I've learned how to say hello, and Jesus Christ. That's all I need right?

Any ways, Transfer calls were this past weekend. I am being moved up North to Prince George... 
just in time for the winter ;) My new companion is Sister Hubert, we served together in Surrey, she is wonderful and has been out 1 transfer longer than me!

In other news, my sweet baby, Sister Seiter is going to be an STL in Surrey! I am so so happy for her!

This past week's General Conference was absolutely wonderful. If you didn't get an opportunity to catch all 4 sessions, please go do!

Every single speaker spoke so beautifully about our Savior, Jesus Christ. His life, his ministry, his divinity. I know that He is truly the Savior and Redeemer of the world. He loves us so so much, and has given us everything. 

"He doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he loveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men unto him. Wherefore, he commandeth none that they shall not partake of his salvation." 2 Nephi 26:24

Jesus Christ has given us everything. He atoned for the sins, sorrows, infirmities, afflictions, disappointments, and grief of the world. You name it, and He has felt it. And He did that because He understands. He knows this life is hard, He knows that we experience tragedy, trials, and afflictions. And He loves us.

He wants us so desperately to find joy and to be able to be cleansed from sin, and return to live with our Heavenly Father again. He died, so that you and I, could overcome everything that we experience in mortality. His sacrifice has the power to cleanse us, heal us, and enable us to do things beyond our own capacities. 

The gift of the atonement is available to all, if we choose it. 

Maybe this is sacrilegious, but sometimes when I reflect the atonement of Jesus Christ I think about Harry Potter. Now bare with me for a moment. You know that scene when Harry is talking to the Professor trying to get his memory so that he can know what Voldemort asked him about that day. Personally, I find that scene very powerful. As Harry reminds the professor of his mother, who died to protect him. And says that in that moment, that her death will be completely for nothing if they can't overcome Voldemort. 

Jesus Christ has already paid the price. His sacrifice is infinite and it's reality and power much greater than the movie Harry Potter. But that sacrifice and atonement is pointless, it is all a waste if we choose to not come to him, and allow him to heal us, allow him to lead us home. I know that repentance is the central purpose of our lives. It is a joyful process that allows us to become better and stronger, and allows us to reap all the blessings of the atonement of Jesus Christ. Each of us are the inn-keepers here, and we decide how much room we have for the Savior. 

I just want to leave my witness that He lives and loves us, and it is never to late to turn to him. 

Love always,
Sister Robertson 

Sister Roeder, the best member missionary of my whole life and a woman who is a walking testimony of the power of the atonement.

trying to take a picture with our sweet investigator, Maessoun and her son Joseph

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