Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Week 58: SNOW


I can't even believe it's that time of the year again. Time is literally flashing before my eyes. 

I just wanted to start out by saying, God is just so good. This past week has been just wonderful, even from the very beginning.

Transfer day was Tuesday and because I lived in Richmond (which is central to our mission and where the mission office is located), we got to have so many other sisters stay with us for different parts of the day while they waited for their new companions to arrive. First thing in the morning, Sister Seiter dropped off her baby (my grand baby) Sister Crane, and then Sister Seiter headed to Surrey. Sister Crane got to stay with us until her new companion, Sister Ricks (who was my companion in Surrey) came and got her. So then I got to say goodbye to all of my favorite Sisters. IT WAS WONDERFUL! How grateful am I not only today, but everyday, for the people that God has blessed me with who have made a permanent imprint on my life. He certainly knows what and who we need. And Sister Hubert is no exception. 

Eventually I headed up North, and yes it has already started snowing up here in Prince George.

Pray for me lol. 

Besides the cold, Prince George is just wonderful, and the people here are a m a z i n g. I've been told that PG (Prince George) is the promised land, and man is that ever true. I don't think I've ever taught so many people in my life. They are each so wonderful, with such unique backgrounds, but so many have the honest desire to improve the quality of their life, to refocus their priorities, and to build their relationship with God. 

I know it's really just Canadian Thanksgiving, but my heart is full with gratitude for the Savior and his impact on my life. How grateful I am for this selfish, once in a life time opportunity I have to serve for 18 months and be His hands here in the Canada, Vancouver Mission. There truly is no greater call. I love Him. And I know that it is because of Him and through living His teachings that we all "may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness." Mosiah 2:41. 

"Our ability and capacity to experience joy and happiness has nothing to do with our circumstances, but everything to do with our focus." And I know that as we focus on our Savior, and follow him, that our joy will be full, always. And that's a promise. 

I sure love you guys! 

Love always,
Sister Robertson

Pictures for this week:
1) Elder and Sister Wilson, the best Senior Couple of your life. Their son is also currently serving in the Birmingham, Alabama mission, so we have a special place in each others hearts. 

2) Sweet Sister Gartside (: You'd never guess who is staying in Richmond and who is going to PG


5) We love the sisters <3 Sister Cozzman and Sister Webster 

6) Sister Hubie a.k.a Sister Hubert (:

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