Monday, December 12, 2016

Week 66: What think Ye of Christ?

Hey Ya'll :) :) :)

This past week we had the opportunity to hear from a member of the Quorum of the Seventy, Elder Nattress. What a sacred opportunity it was. He recently spoke to us in October's General Conference, and the spirit was even stronger as he taught us face to face. Before I get into the things that I learned, I just wanted to quickly share a miracle update on Joseph.

This past week we followed up and reviewed the Word of Wisdom, which is a health code for the benefit of our bodies. This past weekend Joseph got sick with a cold, and previously when that happened he took a couple of shots of brandy to clear it up, an old trick he learned while working cruises and he doesn't believe in medicine. Well this weekend he got sick again, and to our surprise we received a text from him that said, "I bought some nasal spray for the cold and Vicks. Last time when you asked me to stay away from brandy I was paying attention. I will not drink brandy for cold no more." 

Needles to say we were thrilled, and he is so looking forward to his baptism at the end of December! 

At Zone Conference we discussed the question proposed in Matthew 22, "What think Ye of Christ?", with added questions of, "When did you know," and "when did you know that you know?"

What a special spirit that was there as we each had the opportunity to bear testimony of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and I would suggest that each of you take the time to watch this video and ponder these questions yourselves. 

I would like to briefly, in the best way that I can, describe the feelings that I had that day, and my thoughts on those three questions.

The atonement of Jesus Christ is such a dear thing to my heart. It is something that I come to understand a little bit more and more each day of my life. What I would do to see my Savior, and to thank him face to face for all that he has done for me. Jesus Christ is someone I have been lucky enough to learn about from a very young age. I have always believed in him, but I admit, I don't think I truly understood the gravity and the power behind what he did until I was faced with adversity in my own life. I can still so tangibly recall a specific day in my life in which I had been hurt by someone I deeply trusted. Up to that point, I had never felt so overcome by emotion and so debilitated in my life. I remember praying, and just pleading with Heavenly Father for strength to get through that day. I couldn't do it on my own. Seconds later, I felt the weight of those feelings lifted and I knew without a shadow of a doubt that my Savior understood me. That He had felt what I had felt, and that because of Him, I didn't have to do it on my own. The next day I woke up, with the same problem to face, and with many of those same hard emotions restored, but my faith had grown. I knew that I wasn't alone, and I knew that I could overcome all of it. How grateful I am for that experience, the first time that I can truly pinpoint feelings of being lifted by my Savior, Jesus Christ. Since then, I have had numerous experiences with my Savior. I have come to understand of the true miracle that He is to us. And that is what I think of Him. He is my miracle. He gave his life freely for each of us, and we have the opportunity to be forgiven and to change when maybe we don't deserve to be otherwise- simply because He loves us, and simply because He wants us to be able to return home. I know and testify that Jesus Christ is each of our personal Savior. He knows and loves you, and He will do anything, and has done everything for you. 

What a sacred opportunity we have this time of year to cherish the birth of our Savior and to remember His sacred gift to each of us. 

I am grateful for my parents and for all others who have influenced me in my life and have taught and led me to the Savior. Thank you. You each have done and are doing more for me than you know. I also wanted to include a link to Elder Nattress's conference talk below. It was a wonderful one, and just adds to the gratitude that I have for those who work so tirelessly to raise and guide children in today's world, and who lead them to their Savior. 

I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!!!

Love always,
Sister Robertson 

Pictures for this week:
1. My companion is hilarious

2. We knocked into a Robertson family. He said, "No way! You are part of my clan. Send this book to your dad it talks all about our heritage." So Merry Christmas Dad. Also, we will be seeing them again this week to teach them more about Jesus Christ so #blessed

3. Just casual Christmas House lights

4. The drive to Quesnel

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