Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Week 65: from -20 to 212


Yes it is actually freezing here now. We hit -20 degrees this week. Pray for me. 

And speaking of degrees, when Elder Holland came to the mission he talked about water and how it hits it's boiling point at 212. He said that the water is plenty hot at 206 or 209 or 210, but at 212, water not only changes in degree but in kind

I know that that's what each of us need to do everyday, and what we need to do here in our mission. Not only work harder, but become changed and truly work according to the will of the Lord. He is after all, the master of the plan. 

This past week has been a huge opportunity for me to experience some of this change, and I'm so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who allows us to change, and for my Savior, Jesus Christ, who makes change possible. I know that no matter who we are, or where we are in life, it is never too late to change and to experience more of the joy that God has in store for us. I know that He loves us, and that He knows and loves each and every one of you. My testimony of that principle is strengthened every day as I talk to people and watch them learn and grow in the gospel. 

This past week has been such a special one, aside from feeling a lot of inadequacy for many reasons, God blessed me with more than I deserve and helped me to see the miracles that can come as we trust in Him, and allow ourselves to be tools in His hands.
This past week our church held the creche (which is a Christmas event with 500+ nativities set up that the community and ward members absolutely adore.) It was such a wonderful opportunity to remember the real reason for this season, and to help our investigators to see that as well!

We saw Kat and Coral twice this week! I missed the lesson on Tuesday because of exchanges with the Nechako Sisters, but Saturday they came to the creche and then we taught them the Restoration. It was amazing. Both Coral and Kat really connected to it. They each said a prayer during the lesson, and their prayers were so honest and sincere. While we were teaching Coral said, "I always love meeting with ya'll. It's so refreshing, I always feel such peace." and Kat texted us later and said,  " I really do feel good about all of this and want to learn more and want my daughter to be baptized too." I am so grateful for the power of the Holy Ghost that leads us to truth and helps us to feel comforted and feel God's love.

Joseph is also doing STELLAR. We have been a little worried about him lately, but we had the most perfect lesson with him this weekend. Bishop Campbell came and said exactly everything that we needed. We talked about the BOM being the key stone of our religion and the role it has in our conversion as well as the Godhead and all the wonderful truths that have been restored because of the restoration. Joseph shared several personal experiences about the influence of the Holy Ghost in his life as well as watching meet the mormons and other "I am a Mormon" testimonies recently and just the confirmation he has felt since then about this really being the right path for him. Then he came to church the next morning, and in class they were talking about a lot of different BOM stories and he was like, "I don't know many of these, I better start reading." So he wants to read a chapter of the Book of Mormon every day. We were ecstatic! Then after church some ward members invited him over for dinner, so he went home with them and was back at 5 for the Christmas Devotional. It was perfect.

I love you all and am grateful for the impact you have each made in my life. I am so grateful for this Christmas Season and for the time we have to rejoice in Jesus Christ and in everything that He has done for us. He loves you, i can promise you that. 

Love always,
Sister Robertson 

1) Family Home Evening(FHE) Activity with our Young Single Adults (YSA) and investigator Brittany (she has the pink hair)
2) ME and Britt (: She actually referred herself on mormon.org
3) JOSEPH at the creche
4) All the Sisters and Sister and President Burt at Mission Leadership Council (MLC)
5) Came home after MLC and our sweet Sisters had sticky-attacked our door <3 :'-)

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