Thursday, January 19, 2017

Week 71: Heavenly Father loves me

Friends and Fam Jam,


This week has been such a special week. I have just been reminded time and time again of my Heavenly Fathers perfect love for me. I know that He truly knows each one of us on such an individual level, and knows exactly what we need. This week He has just blessed me in every way, and I know that as we are looking for those blessings, that each of us can see that He has truly been there every step of the way. 

I am so grateful for prayer. This past week I have had a lot of things weighing on my mind, especially in understanding how to meet the needs of others. Time and time again new ideas and thoughts came to my mind as I prayed. They weren't anything earth shattering, and I didn't feel any burning feeling in my bosom. They were simple ideas that came easily, and helped my heart to feel at peace. I've often wondered if ideas like those really do come from God, but I've been learning and am reminded time and time again of what it teaches us in the Book of Mormon, that

"That which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually..." Moroni 7:13

I know that answers to prayers come in many different ways, and often when we least expect them. But I know that no matter who we are, that God loves us, that he really truly is our Heavenly Father, and that He is anxious to answer us. Keep trusting in Him, and He will always bless you. 

Teaching was slower this week, everyone is getting the flu. Cold weather has so many pros (: But really, we are grateful and love Prince George more than words can even describe! 

Joseph is still A+ as always. He is absolutely loving the Book of Mormon and loving being a member of the church. He even went out Home Teaching this past week (: Shannon and Ron said their first prayer as a family this week, and it was the sweetest and most special thing. They are so excited to make it a "regular thing" (: And my sweet Sisters up here in Prince George have just stolen my heart. They are the best missionaries you could ask for. 

I love each of ya'll so much and am grateful for all your e-mails! I hope this new year has been a good one! LOVE YOU SO MUCH, BUT GOD LOVES YOU MORE!

Love always,
Sister Robertson 

1) Zone Meeting with our fab Zone

2) Sista Sistas <3

3) Sister Tenney, Sister Poulson, Sister Cosman :'-)

4) s/o to my baby sister Hannah for the coolest necklace of my life

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