Monday, November 23, 2015

Week 11/12: "Cold hands, warm heart."


So an amazing thing happened two weeks ago. I meant to send this out last week....but I ran out of time. 

Sister Wright and I have been teaching this super cute fijian couple, Michael and Sima, and their little boy named Shyan. So they are SO sweet, and love taking the lessons, mostly because they just love learning and because they enjoy our company. Well, because of that, we've been struggling to get them to keep commitments and to progress because they are really casual about the entire situation. So last Friday, we brought our Bishop to the lesson with us. Bishop Prasad is also Fijian, and he was previously Hindu. MIcheal and Sima have been having a lot of problems financially and with family, and really, if I know nothing else, it is that God sent us to them. Because at then end of the day, the Gospel Of Jesus Christ is really what helps us to have the strength and the understanding to endure through this life. 

Anyways, so we get there and Bishop Prasad speaks to them in Hindi the entire time. We had no idea what they were saying, but the spirit we felt was undeniable. Although I didn't understand what he was saying, because of the Holy Ghost, I knew that what he was saying was true. It was a super amazing opportunity that really strengthened my testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel and the blessings that it brings. Because even though we don't always understand everything (even when it is spoken to us in English), we can know what is good and what is true as long as we are willing to ask God sincerely. Heavenly Father will always answer us by the power of the Holy Ghost. It's a promise, in both the Bible and the Book of Mormon. All it takes is a willing heart. 

Also, we were out knocking doors the other night, and of course my hands were freezing because its winter time, and it's raining. So the sweetest thing ever happened! We knocked on a door and were talking to this super sweet old man. When we shook his hand and introduced ourselves he was a little startled. Then he said, "You have cold hands, but a warm heart." IT WAS SO CUTE. What a blessing, especially after walking around in the cold all day. And then the next door we happened to knock was an even greater blessing. We met the sweetest old man, Edward. Once again, the comment was made that my hands were cold ( if I had a dime for every time someone has told me that these past couple of weeks I'd be able to fund my entire mission). But then he insisted that I take a pair of his gloves- he doesn't have any grandchildren around to give them too. IT WAS SO CUTE! And now I have a super sweet pair of black leather gloves. 

I only have a couple of pictures this week... Sister Wright had most of them on her Camera, but her camera broke last week.... so we're hoping we didn't loose all of them. Pray for us. 
We've been going out Christmas Caroling to Less-actives in the ward (Yes, we realize it's November, but Thanksgiving already happened here, so really, it's never to early to celebrate Christmas.)

Also because there is literally 32821374912791 different cultures here, Sister Wright and I have been asking people that we meet how to say different phrases in their native language. So here's a couple, excuse me on the spelling.

Yak she mash- How are you? (Polish)
Haben Guten Tag- Have a good day. (German)

Sat Shri Acal- Hello/ God is one. (Punjabi)

Don't ask, because I don't know.

 I'm calling this one Silly Sisters! Perhaps they were practicing and getting ready for Christmas Caroling. :)

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