Sunday, November 8, 2015

Week 9: I love being a missionary

To all my favorite people 

Sorry I haven't written in the past two weeks. But I just want everyone to know how much I love them, and how much your Heavenly Father loves you. I've been feeling that a lot lately. Things are good, and hard. But I'm learning a lot everyday. We got Transfer news last week, and me and Sister Wright are staying in Surrey. Yay! This area has blessed us with so so many people. 

Something I've been learning these past weeks and am still learning is just how much Heavenly Father loves each and everyone of us. SO much. No matter what. There is nothing we can do, that Heavenly Father won't still welcome us home with open arms for. Just remember the story of the Prodigal son. The really cool thing is that we can know Heavenly Father loves us because he sent his son, Jesus Christ to die and atone for all of our sins, for all the pains and sorrows that we have and will ever experience. And the best part about it is that his atonement covers e v e r y t h i n g. For myself anyways, sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough for Heavenly Fathers forgiveness. Like I'm not putting forth my best effort, and so why do I deserve His help, or His grace. 
Satan is so so sneaky. He wants us to feel and think those things because then He's won. Because when we think those things, we allow ourselves to feel unworthy, and to not accept the help from Heavenly Father that we so desperately need. Which in turn, creates a distance between us and Heavenly Father. Through this we are not allowing ourselves to apply the atonement, and to have the peace in knowing that we are not perfect, and that that is okay, and also the strength to still keep trying.


We do not have to reach a certain amount of works before He forgives us. 
He will a l w a y s forgive us, IF we let Him. 

I love you guys, and I know that Heavenly Father is real and that he loves us. I have felt him testify of that love to me of myself, and of other people. In fact, it is one of the greatest blessings we get to experience on our missions- feeling Heavenly Fathers love for his children. Really, truly feeling is all the way through.  

I haven't had the opportunity to really share some of my experiences in teaching yet, mostly by my own fault. Since we have been white-washing we didn't come into an area with already solid investigators, so we really have just been out finding people to teach. Through that process we have been blessed to find SO many people, although not many of them have been solid and stayed. Which is why I haven't written about them. But I figure it doesn't really matter. Because Heavenly Father is the only one who truly knows their intentions and what they are going through right now. And as missionaries, we stumble upon people at different times of their lives. And sometimes we are really just meant to be the planters- to be the missionaries who plant that first seed of faith in the Gospel. Although, these last two weeks, Sister Wright and I have also been blessed to have some people in which we get to nurture that seed of faith. 

So here are some of the amazing people we have been able to work with.

1) Shelby and Kara- they are actually the assistants investigators, but we have been tag teaming it since they are out of town so much for our Mission President. Also, Shelby is a teenager and it is easier for her to have a connection with us as sisters. Either way, we love sharing them with the Elders  Kara is the momma (her husband isn't super interested yet, but he is WAY supportive). Kara came from a really rough background and has struggled with alcohol and drugs most of her life. Despite her and Skip's (her husband) addictions, they are incredible people and incredible parents. They truly love their kids, but also understand the balance between being your kids best friend, and being their parent. Shelby is 16 and she is SO GOOD. She is the example for her family for sure. She really loves learning about the gospel, but she really is so willing to try it out for herself. Last week she felt for the first time that she got an answer to her prayer. Now she is praying about baptism, WHICH IS INCREDIBLE, and I know that that answer will come soon. She loves this gospel. And she truly recognizes the blessings that it brings, when you let it. Kara knows that it is true to, she is just struggling with really committing to trust God. But she'll come around too ;)

2) Kori and Sean- Kori is a Recent Convert and her husband Sean is investigating. They have also had super rough pasts, but are working to overcome addictions. They have a little one on the way In December. I CANT WAIT. Kori and Sean have been struggling ALOT lately with keeping commitments, and have fallen into some of their really bad habits. We just got them two weeks ago and it is incredible to see the changes that they are beginning to make again. It's slow, but it is so good. This couple are two of the people that I have felt Heavenly Fathers love for SO strongly. And as I've been learning to be more patient with myself and to utilize the atonement, I have been able to share in those feelings with them. Heavenly Father really does put people into your life so that you can bless one another. Kori and Sean came to church this week finally and it was so good (: We are so proud of them!

3) Teresa- I love this woman. We found her knocking I think a month ago and have been doing service, and helping her move once a week. She is the cutest, and just loves sewing and doing every crafty knick-knack thing you could think of. She hasn't been really too interested in the church, or really even in God or that matter, she just really loves the company (little does she realize it's because of the spirit we bring). Each time we have come over we always pray with her and she allows us to share a spiritual message. We've taught her about Heavenly Father and about His love for her, but she isn't so convinced. The funny thing, is I know she's felt the spirit. She just keeps denying it because she doesn't want to trust God quite yet. She too comes from a very rough background, abusive family, etc. This last week we had to do a hard thing. We didn't want to, so we were kind of putting it off. We had to tell her that we couldn't come over anymore. That although we really do love her, and I mean I LOVE HER, but that we are missionaries. And if she isn't interested in learning about the Gospel and in taking steps of faith to know for herself if it is true or not, that we can't keep coming over every week. Of course, we would still stop in and say Hi when we are in the area, but we can't keep coming over anymore. But the amazing this is that before we told her, as were getting up to leave she was the one to say, "Alright, now who is saying the prayer today?" And then we kind of starting walking out and still hadn't told her we couldn't come over anymore, and she was like "Wait, we didn't set up a time for you to come back." So then we told her the bad news, and she thought about it and said to call her later and she'd think about it. The point of this whole story is progress. SHE WANTED US TO SAY A PRAYER. WHAT A MIRACLE. I know she'll come along one of these days. 

Anyways, that is all for now. Hopefully I'll be able to send some pictures this week. 

Love always,

Sister Robertson

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