Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Week 16: Heavenly Father loves you more than a monkey loves bananas

To all my Alabama babies,

My heart is so full. Missions are a really weird thing. It's amazing how many weaknesses you can find in yourself, even within the things you thought you were actually good at, yet at the same time all the things you can do, yet never in a million years thought you would be able to do. Heavenly Father definitely has a sense of humor that's for sure. 

I'm sorry I haven't e-mailed too much in the last couple of weeks, I really do love you all, a lot, I promise. Things are way good here in Surrey. Sister Ricks, my new companion, is from Texas. YES ANOTHER SOUTHERN SISTER. They are very few and far in between here in Canada, so it literally makes me so so happy. She also sings opera, which is BOMB. We sang yesterday in Sacrament meeting and it was wonderful. Another fun thing about this past week,it snowed. I know that doesn't seem very odd for Canada, especially considering who I'm writing too, but it doesn't really snow here in Surrey, so it was a miracle. 

As far as the first part of my e-mail goes, here's an example of what I mean. So something I've been struggling with lately, well and essentially my whole life is receiving revelation. I know that God is real, that he listens to my prayers, and that he loves me. I know that he answers prayers, because he has answered mine in the past, but the majority of the time I feel like I kneel down to pray, and I never know what Heavenly Father is trying to say to me. I feel his love, so strongly, but I can never understand what it is that He's trying to say. 

We teach that we pray to Heavenly Father, and that he answers us through the Holy Ghost, or the Spirit, and that those answers come through our feelings, thoughts, and impressions.  

Well, I've been learning how to trust my thoughts and impressions, and as I have done that I have received so many answers from The Lord, and I know that they really are answers, because as I have acted on them, I have felt the Spirit testify to me of their truthfulness and I have seen the fruit of following those impressions. Anyways, so I was asked to give a training this past week at our Zone Meeting, which is literally like the last thing I want to do- to get up and teach like 30 other  missionaries about some article, especially when over half of them have been out serving for like triple the amount of time I have been out, but that's the funny thing about Heavenly Father, he knows each of us personally, and he knows that we all have something to offer. So I was praying and praying about what He wanted me to share with everyone. Day after day, I still didn't really have anything and I was getting super nervous. Well, the morning of, I had the impression to read my Book of Mormon. Immediately I didn't want to do that because I was short on time, but I did anyways, and that Chapter I was on that day was Jacob 5. It was perfect. Heavenly Father definitely answered my prayers. And it's amazing because with this Christmas Season we have been focusing a lot on Jesus Christ. I mean we always do, but we've just really been trying to understand his atonement more fully and how we can take advantage of that gift and of His sacrifice more readily in our lives. It's amazing because in Jacob 5 when the Lord is ready to cast the bad trees into the fire, the servant says to spare it a little longer. And I know that that is exactly what Jesus Christ has done for us. And what as missionaries, we should be doing for our investigators. Always be looking for ways to prune, and nourish, and dig about the trees that we work with, until eventually they put forth good fruit. Because that is exactly what our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have done for us. They never give up. They keep on working, they keep on pruning, and picking, and nourishing, and digging, until we are ready and willing to become beautiful trees, putting forth good fruit. 

I just love this Gospel. And even though sometimes it seems hard to keep going and we want to give up, I know that Jesus Christ never will. I pray that each of us will be able to remember him during this wonderful Christmas season, and throughout the rest of the year. To remember the gift of the atonement that he has given us. 


Love always,

Sister Robertson

Also, if you haven't already go watch "A Savior Is Born". It's better than milk and babies. Which is saying a lot.

​ Our Charlie Brown Christmas tree :)
There was a big wind storm here the other week and we found a pretty sweet branch. He makes us happy :)
Merry Christmas!

This was just a way cool garage

Sister Ricks and Sister Robertson
Me and my Compie (: I love her.
Sabina is to my right, she is from the Filipines and has more faith than anyone I have ever met. We have only taught her the Restoration so far, but she is committed to be baptized January 30 (: PRAY FOR HER. Sima is on Sister Rick's right, she is Michael's wife, and the fijian couple we have been working with. They're struggling, but they came to church yesterday WE ARE SO HAPPY!

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