Monday, December 28, 2015

Week 17: Feliz Ano

Hi friends. 

So this last week has been so bittersweet, but mostly sweet. Our members our amazing here and have just been spoiling us rotten... I seriously think I've gained like 10 pounds, it's ridiculous. #missionlife

lol it snowed again :-)

Christmas on a mission is probably one of the best things ever. It is hard being away from home, but really Jesus Christ makes everything worth it. And how lucky am I to wear his name on my chest around this sacred time of year. I love Him. 

​A member gave us a real tree... lol. So our Charlie brown Christmas tree is just hangin' around.

As missionaries, we are always out working, regardless of the holiday or season, so Sister Ricks and I decided to carol as we knocked doors Christmas day. Most people appreciated it, but we literally had 3 different people stop us in the middle of caroling and be like no, no, please stop. It was shocking? Who the monkey doesn't want to be caroled too. And Sister Ricks has the voice of an angel, so I didn't understand these people's deal. Needless to say, God is good, and the atonement is real, so we just shrugged off the weirdos really fast. 

We had the most amazing miracle this week. A Vietnamese woman named Faith committed to be baptized January 15. She is married to a less-active member in the Spanish ward here, and is just amazing. She's heard about the church for years but has never ever been interested. But over these last couple of months has just realized that she isn't happy, and that she hasn't been happy for a really long time. Sure she is doing great at work, and is actually really REALLY ahead in her job, but her marriage has been a hot mess lately and she hasn't made time for her daughter as much as she wishes she has. So she decided after looking into a lot of different things, and a lot of different choices to look into the mormon church. She started reading the Book of Mormon, and knew that something was different. We met her for the first time last week and she is literally glowing. Nothing is better than being able to see someone else who has come to know God, and who is truly so ready and willing to understand how to build a relationship with Him. As Faith was talking to us it just reminded me of a mormon message by Jeffrey R. Holland.

Holland shares an experience in which him and his dad our out driving and come up to a fork in the road. They aren't sure which was they should go, so they stop and pray for a answer. They both feel really strongly that they should drive down one of the paths, and after driving for about 5 minutes or so come to a dead end. They turn around and make their way back to the fork in the path and start down the other side. Elder Holland turns to his dad and asks why Heavenly Father would tell them to go the wrong way. Essentially, they realize that Heavenly Father knew what they needed, and that it would be easier to drive down the wrong road for 5 minutes and know that it was wrong for sure, rather than have first gone down the right road for 20 minutes not knowing if they were actually driving the right way. 

It's amazing, because Heavenly Father loves us so much. We are His children, and He wants to do everything He can to help us in this life if we let him. He knows us personally and he knows exactly what we need and when we need it, even if sometimes that path seems wrong or maybe too hard. Faith had a chance to learn about the gospel years ago, but she wasn't ready. Her heart wasn't softened. But in her own time, she realized that she isn't happy, and now because she has tried all these other things, she can say with out a doubt that she knows that this is the way. That this is the only way that she and her family can find true joy. And man oh man is she so excited to start living it, and to start learning and understanding what Heavenly Father has planned for her. She is literally on fire, and glowing with the light of the gospel. 

Heavenly Father is so good. What a H U G E blessing and opportunity it is to be His hands here in Surrey, BC. 

I love all of you, and pray that you'll stay safe and enjoy this Holiday break with your family and friends. Thank you THANK YOU t h a n k  y o u for all of your love and support. 

Love always,

Sister Robertson
 We spent Christmas Eve with Miss Shelby and her family (:

We slept in the living room Christmas Eve

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