Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Week 60: Get your feet wet

Happy Halloween to everyone down South,

Just before I forget, I finally got my new address up here in Prince George. 

599 Freeman Street #103
Prince George, British Columbia
V2M 2R3

Or if it is easier, there is always the address for the mission office in Richmond.

8440 Williams Road
Richmond, British Columbia 
V7A 1G6

This past week has been C R A Z Y. We did two exchanges with our sweet sisters. THEY ARE AMAZING, and also live just a little far away.. :'-) So we spent quite some time in the car. Prince George is amazing and it has been so great to get to know all of the members up here. 

Brandi, for an update on her, is doing really well. We haven't been able to see her much this past week with us being out of town, and our schedules just not syncing. Her baptismal date will be pushed back with her current living situation, but we know that God will provide a way for her, especially with her sincere desire to follow Him.

Recently, in the mission we have been focusing a lot on faith, and not only that, but enduring faith. There isn't enough time to truly explain the change that has happened as a result of these trainings, or the deeper understanding and conviction that I have gained of faith, but with the 10 short minutes I have left, I would love to share a couple of my thoughts. 

Something that I've really come to understand recently about faith is that it isn't a product of miracles, rather strong faith begins with a desire to believe, we only need a particle of faith- just enough to get started- and then as we act according to the faith that we have and are obedient to the gospel of Jesus Christ that faith grows. "Faith comes by righteousness, although miracles often confirm one's faith." In a recent talk given by President Uchtdorf at the General women's session of General Conference, President Uchtdorf discussed the topic of Faith and what is can and can not do. He said many wonderful things, but one thing that stuck out to me was that he said, 

"Until then, we walk by whatever faith we have, seeking always to increase our faith. Sometimes this is not an easy quest. Those who are impatient, uncommitted, or careless may find faith to be elusive. Those who are easily discouraged or distracted may hardly experience it. Faith comes to the humble, the diligent, the enduring."

As I was reading Alma 32 in the Book of Mormon the other day and pondering about the analogy of the seed to our testimony, I realized truly how much work and effort we have to put in on our part to obtain faith, to help our seed turn into a tree. If we "nourish the word, yea, nourish the tree as it begginneth to grow, by your faith with great diligence, and with patience, looking forward to the fruit thereof, it shall take root; and behold it shall be a tree springing up unto everlasting life." Alma 32: 41

I know that that is true, that the fruit that comes from our trees, although they took a lot of work to grow, is more desirable than anything else, and will bless each of us immensely.

God loves and I do to, I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

1) Sister Hubert 
2) Sister Cosman :-) :-) :-)..... we didn't realize the camera was so zoomed in....

3) Exchanges with the Quesnel Sisters, Sister Graver (:

4/5) Sister Faleono

6) Our favorite recent convert, Michaela ❤

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