Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Week 61: MI CASA ❤😊


One of my best friends recently sent out an explanation describing the things we do as members of The Church of Jesus Christ, and why we do them, and it was a perfect reminder to me, as many who receive these weekly e-mails are not members either, that I should do the same. 

As missionaries we talk about baptism a lot and baptizing those that we teach. Please know that our church is not interested in gaining membership just for the sake of numbers, rather, as Latter Day Saints we strongly believe we are each children of God, and as such, God desires all of us to return to live with him again. The first step in that process is following the example of Jesus Christ by being baptized. As missionaries we have the sacred opportunity to be representatives of our savior, Jesus Christ and to teach and prepare people to make that promise to God. I love the gospel, as many members do, and desire for others to experience the sure joy and peace that I have felt as I have followed the example of Jesus Christ and become a member of his restored gospel. Please know, that if someone offers to share the gospel with you, it is solely for that same reason. Because they love and cherish you, and they want to share what has helped them and made them happy in this life. 

I sure love each of you, and am always grateful for your love, letters, and support, and for the many things you are each doing in your life to love and serve others, and to love and serve God. He loves you, I promise you that. 

This past week has been a miracle for so many reasons. God has certainly blessed me more then I deserve, and I am so grateful for the strength of my Savior Jesus Christ in enabling me to become more than I am. 

The greatest miracle of this week is our dear friend, Joseph. 

A couple of weeks ago we were calling through a bunch of phone numbers previous missionaries had left behind and just happened to call Joseph. He is originally from India and grew up his entire life going to Mass. He loves his Savior, Jesus Christ. Well this past week we were able to teach him about the restoration, the Book of Mormon, and Joseph Smith. He loved it. Two days later we taught him about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and talked to him about taking that step to be baptized by proper authority. He was thrilled, and will be baptized at the end of November. He shared so many experiences in his life of times when he has chosen to follow God and times when he has chosen not to. He is a living witness that if we, "keep the commandments of the Lord, we will prosper in the land." Alma 48:25

So right after our lesson, the Elders in our ward had a baptism for their friend, Austin, and Joseph was able to stay for it. The spirit was so strong and Joseph knew that this is exactly what he wanted to do. Coming to church the next morning, only confirmed that feeling for him.

The following are many quotes from him throughout that night and following morning.

"I think I'd go swimming in there right now."
"I'm so excited for mine!"
"Why didn't you guys find me sooner?"

I am so grateful to be able to be serving alongside my Savior. I know He lives, and loves each of you. It is never to late to get up and try again. I know that He will bless you as you do, and that each of us can experience the joy and blessings that come as we follow Him and keep His commandments.


Love always,
Sister Robertson 

ps. This weekend we get to see Elder Holland, no big deal. Stay tuned for the biggest spiritual highlight of your life next week!

Pictures (: (: (:

1-3 )We are in charge of the Young Single Adult group up here in Prince George... which often is basically non-existent between work schedules. But we were able to mix the YSA kids and young adult couples in our ward and pull together a Halloween Activity this past week!

4) Our sweet 82 year old friend, Trudy Rae. She is a member but can't come to church b/c health.

5) Up in the North all the areas between missionaries are so far apart that for our weekly district Meetings, many of us have to use skype or call in. Welcome to our District Meeting (:

6) The Nechako Sisters and us <3

7) Our m i r a c l e, JOSEPH

8) The Gratton girls, they were baptized in August and we are going through the lessons with them again (:

9) Scenery :'-)

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