Monday, November 21, 2016

Week 63: "I really can't stay, President it's cold outside..."

Dear Alabamians (plus some),


Sweet Sister Hubert must have been my lucky charm because the moment she left it started snowing and it hasn't stopped since.... needless to say, I am learning how to drive in the snow and may or may not wear 4 pairs of tights a day ;-)

This past week has been fun. I've had the stomach flu and 3 different companions among other things. Transfer week is always crazy but God still blesses us with so many miracles! 

This past week we were able to teach Joseph twice. He is doing so good and has been reading the Book of Mormon and loving it! He's been out of town for the past two weekends and hasn't been able to make it to church but we are excited to have him start coming soon! When we taught him the Word of Wisdom he readily accepted it and understood that ultimately, "all things have been done in the wisdom of him who knoweth all things." He is so willing and eager to act in faith, it is so amazing! And I know that as he continues to do that, that God will help him to know that the things that we teach are true by the fruits that come from it. 

Besides that, here is a quick look-in to the life of Sister Robertson. So my first week as an STL (Sister Training Leader) they ask me to close off a call, and normally we begin and end each call with a prayer. Well, I can't even tell you how it slipped my mind, but after some closing remarks I said something to the affect of... "BYE." Rookie mistake. Needless to say, that will be following me everywhere for the next transfer+ but hey, people can't be laughing at you when you are laughing with them right?

Anyways, the life of a missionary is always fun and exciting..

I sure love you guys and hope that everyone has a great week! ALSO HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Everyone better eat enough turkey for me since I'll be up here in Canada just having a regular Thursday (:

Love always,
Sister Robertson 

1) Us with the Richmond Chinese Sisters (LOVE THOSE TWO).
 We stayed with them last last week before seeing Elder Holland

2) Saying goodbye to my sweet eternal companion. She's going to kill it down in Abbotsford!

3)Welcome to P.G Sister Tripp

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