Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Week 39: HEY HOME

So it's almost my 9 month now but hey, it's never too late.

So we got transfer calls this past weekend, and looks like my time in Abbotsford is up! 
Our Last Malaysian Supper

I am being transferred to Port Moody and will be follow-up training a new Sister. Sister Amat Sokupit will be staying here in Abby and will be training a new baby as well, so looks like I'm going to be a Grandma! Crazy huh?

I sure love it here in Abbotsford. Teaching here is very different than in Surrey. Abbotsford is known as the "bible belt" of Canada so I'm sure ya'll can all imagine what that is like. But it's nice to be living in a community who love and recognize Jesus Christ as their Savior. The ward members here are just amazing and I am heartbroken to have to leave them behind, but looking forward to new adventures! I'll send my new address in my e-mail next week for those who want to send anything. 

These past couple of weeks have been F I L L E D to the brim with miracles and a lot of hardship, but God continues to bless us.It's amazing the things He can accomplish through such imperfect people. 

Something I've been thinking about a lot lately is my relationship with God. It's crazy how much it has developed on my mission, and I certainly feel closer to Him than I ever have in my life, but I know that you don't have to go on a mission to have that experience. Each of us can have a strong relationship with God despite our stage in life, and it really all starts with our prayers. Prayer is such a simple thing, and something I think a lot of us take for granted. This past week in our district meeting we talked a lot about prayer. Prayer is a two-way communication with God and is essential if we want to have a relationship with Him. After all, if you never talk to your best friend or to your family how could you have a relationship with them? We talked about our prayers being m i g h t y. But what does that mean exactly? Well, in the Book of Mormon there is a prophet named Moroni who is often described as mighty. And in Alma 48:17, it says:

"Yea, verily verily I say unto you, if all men had been and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men."

Now that's a pretty big promise. That if each of us could be like Moroni, that Satan would have no power over us. So the question then becomes, how can each of us be mighty like unto Moroni? And from that, we are able to learn God's definition of mighty. Throughout Chapter 48, it describes Moroni as grateful, selfless, faithful, and humble. And that's truly the key to our prayers, and to our relationship with God. If we are humble and willing to submit to His will, have faith in His plan for us and in His timing, if we choose to be grateful despite our circumstances, and if we are willing to serve those around us, then God will be able to do miracles for us and through us. 

I know that God is our loving Heavenly Father, and His greatest desire is for us to be eternally happy. Nothing brings more strength or solace than being able to pray, whether out loud or not, to our father in Heaven. And I know that if we each strive to make those prayers meaningful, and full of prayer, that they will be mighty, that our relationship with our Heavenly Father will grow, and that our resolve to do better and to press forward will deepen. I love my Heavenly Father, and am eternally grateful that His love for me, and for all of us in not conditional on our choices. He is there, always waiting, always willing to reach out. I know that this is His work, and I am so grateful to be able to do it. I pray more than anything, that each of us will be able to know and feel God's love for us. 

I love ya'll bunches!

Love always,
Sister Robertson

At to end the week, our sweet twins (Heather and Bex) got baptized. The two Sisters in the bottom picture were the ones who taught and baptized Katrina, and we were lucky enough to get to teach her kiddos. Oh how I love this sweet family, and have loved to watch them grow! Change is always hard, especially when it involves aligning your will with God's, but Katrina has truly set the example and the way for her family and her kids are being blessed because of it. I love them with my whole heart. 

Last P-day we spent a day at the beach with our STL's <3

Our sweet family from Muldova! Elene also is about to pop so meeting recently has been hard, but they are such a faithful family and their strongest desire is to know the truth. Their three little girls are absolutely adorable and always perform a song for us when we come by😍 

This is our sweet family from Kenya. Deng (the dad) wasn't available for the picture, but this is Mary and here 4 sweet kiddos. She recently had a new little baby (Ajok is 1 month now) so we haven't gotten to teach them too much, but they just L O V E God, and our so excited to be learning!

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